Travel Insurance

I am hoping to start travelling within the next year or 2 so obviously I had to start looking into travel insurance. Was just wonderning if anyone else has had experiences with expensive insurance because of your epilepsy?x

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Hiya Daisy!

Yes, 100%. I have always found this frustrating as my family and friends’ travel insurance is always so cheap! When I travel or go on holiday, I usually go onto and just pay for the insurance that covers everything. It is usually expensive but I cannot seem to find anything else that is cheaper.

However, I know there are travel insurances specifically for epilepsy. Try these and good luck!

I hope these help! :smiley:

Liv :purple_heart:

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I have travel insurance from Epilepsy Action. My dad sorted it out so not certain on the details. As far as I’m aware insurance never covers existent conditions so epilepsy won’t be covered. I also imagine the whole blue card thing (not sure what it’s called) has changed since Brexit so definitely look into that.

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We use Marks & Spencer travel insurance for our son. Reasonably priced and comprehensive cover. Happy travelling once we’re out of lockdown😎